The total installed power thus achieves the sum of 230 GW worldwide; in 2015 a new world record for photovoltaic power installed 50 new GW, representing 25% above 2014. & nbsp reached.
This data yields the Annual Report 2016 presented by the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) in its analysis of the international framework of the photovoltaic sector showing trends in global markets already observed since 2013.
The main lines of development of this technology are based on & nbsp; reducing costs throughout the value chain of production and increasing the efficiency of photovoltaic modules.
These factors, together with his enormous versatility make PV a competitive sector that adapts to the specific conditions of each country.
In Latin America, because of the energy crisis, are increasingly demanding customers alternative energy projects, so in Proyesco have solutions for every need.
Aware that the photovoltaic solar energy is the third most important source in terms of installed capacity globally renewable energy, we are committed to its full care and use.